Fishing Risks: By Gear Type


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Most common injuries (per WorkSafeBC worker claims 2015-2019)

Injuries caused by vessel equipment malfunction or improper/unsafe use are common.  Serious falls leading to injury are often caused by open hatches and holds.

  • Example: While pulling up an anchor, the hydraulics malfunctioned and several feet of chain fell to the deck.  Once the hydraulics came on the anchor struck the worker.

  • Example: Worker suddenly lost his balance and fell with his hand landing on a pile of urchins while not wearing gloves.

  • Solution: Skippers, ensure workers receive proper instruction on the safe use of equipment and provide a demonstration of safe work practice.  Maintain a clean workspace free of tripping or slipping hazards as much is reasonably possible.  Wearing puncture-resistant gloves can provide necessary mobility while preventing urchin spine punctures.

Injuries caused by decompression sickness are common and unique to the dive fishery.  Surfacing too quickly can lead to serious injury and if not treated promptly and correctly, death.

  • Example: A worker experienced decompression sickness due to the effects of diving while out on the fishing grounds.  Significant hearing loss was experienced as a result.

  • Solution: Regulations for SCUBA and surface-supply dive fish harvesters must be followed.  Regulations are complex and training by means of certified instructors are required.