fishing risks

Hearing Loss

Exposure to noise that can do permanent hearing damage is common to all fishing gear types however, the seine and gillnet/trap fisheries show evidence of slightly higher rates of long-term hearing deterioration.

Ask anyone who’s lost even some of their hearing and they’ll tell you they wish they’d done more to protect it. Check out these resources to see what practical steps can be taken to minimize the risk!


Downloadable Tools

HOw Loud is it? Preventing hearing loss for workers in fishing and marine (worksafebc)

If you work in the commercial fishing industry, you might be exposed to high noise levels that can lead to permanent hearing loss. Permanent hearing loss is most often caused by long-term exposure to excessive noise, like the engine room on a fishing vessel. Make sure you wear hearing protection while you work and have your hearing tested annually. Click the button below to learn more.

Noise Exposure in the Fish Harvesting Industry

Once it’s gone, it’s gone! Identifying and Controlling the Risks of Occupational Noise Exposure in the Fishing Industry - a video developed by the Newfoundland Fish Harvesting Safety Assoc.

‘Hear for good’ brochure (WORKsAFEBC)