Crab Drills Days 2016 - Getting it Right in Sidney!

Fish Safe was in Sidney BC the week of April 11 for a full week of drills with fishermen, the majority of whom were readying for the busy crab season ahead.  It was a tremendous success!

Over the course of the week, 2 man overboard drills and 2 abandon ship drills were conducted and lots of energetic conversations around emergency preparedness ensued.

Thanks to all who participated in the drills and congratulations to Jody and Jordie who each received a $100 Visa gift certificate for winning their individual heats in the abandon ship drills. 

Special commendation goes out to the fishermen who came to see issues with their immersion suits - ill-fitting suits, zippers that could not be zipped completely up, etc. - and have now taken action and replaced them with new suits.  That's truly taking ownership of safety!!

Finally, thanks to Trung and Cheryl, Fish Safe's Safety Advisors for their help in coordinating and conducting the drills.  We made many new friends and wish everyone a safe and profitable season!!